No book did ever dare to really question mainstream dentistry
This book creates a whole new roadmap to navigate towards minimally invasive, preventative and far more affordable dental care. With this guide you will have the knowledge to make the right choices when you are being offered a dental treatment plan at any dentist. Even better: you will learn the secret hacks that dentists do not tell you. This will prevent you from needing a dentist in most cases and reduce your dental costs hugely!
By doing this you are actually helping to change dentistry towards a more natural and humane version! I am sure when enough patients are showing their wishes via the book to their dentists, their dentists will get curious...
And for those curious dentists soon there will be a new e-learning website available (Asklepion Academy Professional), where they can train to become BRACED (Balanced, Regenerative, Artisan, Compassionate, Ecological Dentist).
The book also tells the story what happened in dentistry during the Covid mandates, showing Orwellian coercion and censorship. That eventually led to my decision to self de-register, go on sabbatical leave and write this book to expose the truth on what I feel is very disturbing with both the dental profession and the medical world.
I am still actively helping people with health education with live workshops through the country of New Zealand:
And online courses, coaching and individual advice via zoom meetings.
Please visit the website and follow a free course by clicking the button below:
or go to asklepion.academy (you can order the book or e-book there as well).
Enjoy and free your smile!
(man, master of science, 40-plus years experience in dental surgery)